<html><head></head><body>Addendum: Ventura College 2017-2018 General Catalogand Announcement of Courses 

About the Ventura College General Catalog 

The Ventura College catalog is published annually and includes academic policies, procedures, programs, courses, and faculty. Every effort has been made 
to make the catalog accurate as of the date of publication; however, all policies, procedures, fees, and charges are subject to change at any time. 

Purpose of this Addendum 

The purpose of this addendum is to provide additional information or changes that occurred after publication of the 2017-2018 Ventura College catalog, and to 
make corrections that could affect student success. It is to be used in conjunction with the 2017-2018 Ventura College catalog. This addendum is being provided 
in order for all curriculum information to be available for advisement and program/course selection to better serve students, advisors, and the Ventura College 
community. This addendum may include approved changes or corrections to programs and courses as well as changes in policies and degree requirements. 
All changes and additions listed here take precedence over the information contained in the 2017-2018 Ventura College catalog. All information contained in 
this addendum is subject to change without notice. 

Listed below are updates to the 2017-2018 Ventura College catalog. This includes new programs and courses and changes to programs and courses. 

Note: The following changes have already been updated in the online version of the Ventura College catalog unless otherwise denoted. Please refer to the 
listed page(s) below for the corrected information. For a paper copy of this addendum, please contact the Office of Student Learning at (805) 289-6464. 

New/Revised Courses 

Course Title Description of Change 
FILM V02 - Film Production New; added to the catalog. Course was approved for Spring 2018 implementation by the California 
Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office on 10/6/2017. 
SOC V07 - Sociological Analysis Error; SOC V01 or SOC V02 listed as Recommended Preparation. Should be Prerequisites. 

Changes in General Education 

General Education Requirements Description of Change 
Associate Degree in General Studies Patterns II and III 
(page 56 of catalog) 
Courses added to Health Education, Physical Education/Kinesiology and Ethnic/Gender Studies. 
Course removed from Ethnic/Gender Studies. See following pages for details. 
Ventura College General Education Requirements 
(page 64 of the catalog) 
Courses added to Areas B, C, E, and F. Courses removed from Areas D and E. See following 
pages for details 
California State University General Education-Breadth 
(CSU GE) Pattern 
(page 75 of the catalog) 
Courses added to Areas B, C, D, and E. Courses removed from Area A. See following pages for 

Ventura College - Catalog Addendum 2017 - 2018 

This evolving program offers training in Film and Electronic Media providing 
students with the tools needed for careers in the film industry. There 
are opportunities in film production, editing, audio, media writing, and 
motion graphics. An Associate in Science for Transfer Degree in Film is 
currently being developed for students to work towards a four year degree. 



Recommended Preparation: FILM V01 
Hours: 2 lecture, 4 laboratory weekly 

This course is an introduction to the film and video production process including 
scripting, story boarding, pre-production planning, budgeting, casting, shooting, 
lighting, sound, and editing in both studio and location settings. Students will 
write, produce, direct and edit a personal project and participate in group 
assignments and projects. 

Field Trips may be required. Formerly FILM 02. Transfer credit: CSU. 

Sociology is the scientific study of human behavior in groups and the social 
forces that influence that behavior. The Sociology program offers a diverse 
curriculum in an effort to provide students with the tools necessary to 
comprehend their social world, using sociological theory and methodology 
to focus on the building blocks of the social structure and culture. The 
program includes courses that explore how social institutions play integral 
roles in our society, how class, race, ethnicity, and gender interact with 
these fundamental social institutions, the inequalities that exist in society, 
the importance of norms and values, the deviations therein, and the 
origins of social problems, their potential solutions, and the challenge to 
the status quo. Upon completion of a sociology course, the student will 
have a greater understanding of her/his part in the social world, enhancing 
interpersonal relationships and relationships to the social structure. 



Prerequisite: SOC V01 or SOC V02 
Hours: 3 lecture weekly 

This course offers an overview of how sociologists make systematic 
observations of the social world. The methods used in conducting social 
science research, from hypothesis development to analysis of collected data, 
will be presented. Students will actively participate in conducting studies 
that focus on current social issues. 

Formerly Soc 7. Transfer credit: CSU; UC. 

Ventura College - Catalog Addendum 2017 - 2018 

Associate Degree in General Studies Patterns II and III 

AA in General Studies Pattern II 

This pattern is intended for students who are planning to transfer 
to a four-year university in high-unit majors or where completion 
of CSU GE-Breadth or IGETC is not appropriate or advisable. (See 
www.assist.org or a VC counselor for guidance). Independent or 
out-of-state universities may also fall in this category. 

1. Select and complete courses from the general education 
of a transfer institution to include, at a minimum, the 
following Title 5 requirements: 
• Natural Sciences (3 units) 
• Social and Behavioral Sciences (3 units) 
• Arts and Humanities (3 units) 
• Language and Rationality–English Composition (3 units) 
• Communication and Analytical Thinking (3 units) 
AA in General Studies Pattern III 

This pattern is intended for students who are planning to transfer to 
a California public four-year university (UC or CSU) and plan to use 
the CSU GE-Breadth or IGETC to fulfill their lower division general 

-Complete CSU GE-Breadth (page 75) or IGETC (page 84) 
Note: Students who complete CSU GE-Breadth or IGETC need to apply 
for GE certification in the Counseling Office and may be able to apply 
for a Certificate of Achievement. 

2. Complete local graduation requirements to include: 
• Health Education (one course/no unit minimum): CD V24; COUN V01; EAC V01, EMT V01; HED V01, V20, V24, V70, V71, V73, V76, V87, 
V95, V97; HS V10; KIN V80. 
• Physical Education/Kinesiology (one course/no unit minimum): CJ V11A; DANC V03, V04, V10A, V10B, V10C, V10D, V13A, V13B, 
V13C, V13D, V14, V15A, V15B, V15C, V15D, V23, V27, V29A, V29B, V29C, V29D, V30A, V30B, V30C, V30D, V50A, V50B, V50C, 
V50D; EAC V21, V26; ICA V02, V03, V04, V05, V06, V07, V08, V13, V14, V15, V16, V17, V18, V19, V20, V22, V23, V24, V25, 
V30A, V30B, V31A, V31B, V36, V69; KIN V02, V03, V04, V06, V10, V12, V14, V16, V18, V19, V20, V21, V22, V23, V24, V26, V28, 
V34, V40A, V40B, V42A, V42B, V44A, V44B, V46A, V46B, V48A, V48B, V50A, V50B, V52, V70A, V70B, V72, V73, V74A, V74B, 
V76A, V76B; THA V14. 
• Ethnic/Gender Studies: (A minimum of 3 units):AES V01, V02A, V02B, V10, V11, V12, V20, V21A, V21B, V22, V23, V24, V40A, 
V40B, V41, V42A, V42B, V61, V63, V65, V66, V67; ANTH V02, V04, V06; ART V02C, V03, V07, V08, V09; CD V05; CHST V01, V02, 
V24; CJ V03; COMM V12; ENGL V33, V34, V35, V36A, V36B, V133, V134, V135, V136A, V136B; GEOG V02; HIST V02A, V02B, 
V03A, V03B, V04B, V05A, V05B, V10A, V10B, V12, V13, V14A, V14B, V15, V17, V21; MUS V03, V07; POLS V11, V14; PSY V30; 
SOC V03, V04, V24. 

3. Choose an area of emphasis. 
• Complete a minimum of 18 units in the chosen area of emphasis with a grade of “C" or better or "P” if the course is taken on 
a "pass-no pass" basis (Title 5, § 55063). Even though a grade of "P" is allowed, it is recommended that students complete 
all their area of emphasis coursework for a letter grade (A, B, or C). Note: Universities have limitations on the number of units 
that can be taken "pass-no pass" and therefore it is strongly recommended that students take all area of emphasis coursework 
for a letter grade (A, B, or C). 
• Complete a minimum of 6 of the 18 units within a single discipline. 
• Select courses that fulfill major preparation requirements for the chosen transfer institution. CSU and UC articulation can be 
found at www.assist.org. Other articulation can be found in the Student Services and/or Academic Affairs Office. If no articulation 
exists with the intended transfer institution, you may obtain guidance from recruitment counselors, the transfer institution’s 
departmental advisors in your major, and/or their catalog/website. 
4. Complete a minimum of 60 transferable units. 
5. Complete competency requirements in Math and English (see page 51 for options in meeting competencies). 
NOTE: Courses used to fulfill the CSU GE-Breadth or IGETC requirements in Mathematical and Written Communication or English 
Composition will fulfill this requirement. 

6. Complete requirements in scholarship (2.0 minimum cumulative degree-applicable GPA). 
7. Complete residency requirements. Students must complete at least 12 semester units in residence at Ventura College in order to 
receive a degree from Ventura College. The same policy applies to all colleges in the district: a minimum of 12 semester units must 
be completed at the college granting the degree. 
8. Apply for the degree in the Counseling Office by stated deadline dates. 
Ventura College - Catalog Addendum 2017 - 2018 

Ventura College General Education Requirements 

Applies to Associate Degrees in General Studies Pattern I and all Associate Degrees in Specific Majors 

All Students pursuing the Associate Degree (AA) in General Studies Pattern I, must complete this General Education plan in its entirety as part 
of their degree requirements. Students completing an Associate Degree in a specific major (AA/AS) listed on page 53 (for example: Automotive 
Technology or Child Development) must complete areas A-E below (but not F) of this General Education plan. Area F is only required for General 
Studies Pattern I majors. A minimum of 60 degree-applicable units is required for the Associate Degree in General Studies Pattern I. See page 
54 for all degree requirements. 

A. NATURAL SCIENCES (a minimum of 6 semester units with ONE course from area A1 Biological Science &amp; ONE course from area A2 
Physical Science) 
1. BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE: AG V06; ANAT V01; ANPH V01; ANTH V01, V01L, V35, V35L; BIOL V01, V01L, V03, V04, V10, V12, V14, V18, 
V23, V29, V29L, V30, V42; BIOT V18, V30, V42; CJ V35, V35L; ESRM V01, V10, V14, V22, V23; MICR V01; PHSO V01; PSY V03. 
2. PHYSICAL SCIENCE: AST V01, V01L; CHEM V01A, V01AL, V01B, V01BL, V12A, V12AL, V12B, V12BL, V20, V20L, V21, V21L, V30, 
V30L; ESRM V02, V11; GEOG V01, V01L, V05; GEOL V02, V02L, V03, V03L, V07, V09, V11, V21; PHSC V01; PHYS V01, V02A-V02AL, 
V02B-V02BL, V03A-V03AL, V03B-V03BL, V04-V04L, V05-V05L, V06-V06L. 
B. SOCIAL &amp; BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES (a minimum of 6 semester units with ONE course from area B1 American History/Institutions and 
ONE course from area B2 Social and Behavioral Sciences) 
1. AMERICAN HISTORY/INSTITUTIONS: AES V02A, V02B, V22, V40A, V40B, V63; HIST V02A, V02B, V03A, V03B, V04B, V05A, V05B, 
V07A, V07B, V12, V16, V17; POLS V01, V03. 
2. SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES: AES V01, V02A, V02B, V11, V20, V21A, V21B, V22, V23, V24, V40A, V40B, V41, V42A, V42B, 
V61, V63; AG V12; ANTH V02, V03, V04, V05, V06, V07, V35, V35L, V36; BUS V30; CD V02, V03, V05, V27; V61; CHST V01, V02, 
V24; CJ V01, V02, V03, V19, V28, V30, V35, V35L, V49; COMM V12; V15, V16; COUN V02; ECON V01A, V01B; ESRM V03; GEOG 
V02, V06, V08; HIST V01A, V01B, V02A, V02B, V03A, V03B, V04A, V04B, V05A, V05B, V07A, V07B, V08, V10A, V10B, V12, V13, 
V14A, V14B, V15, V16, V17, V18A, V18B, V21, V30; HMSV V50; POLS V01, V02, V03, V04, V05, V09, V10, V11, V12, V14, V15, 
V16, V17, V18; PSY V01, V02, V05, V07, V15, V25, V29, V30, V31; SOC V01, V02, V03, V04, V05, V07, V13, V24, V31. 

C. HUMANITIES (a minimum of 6 semester units with ONE course from area C1. Fine/Performing Arts and ONE course from area C2. 
1. FINE/PERFORMING ARTS: AES V10, V12, V65, V66, V67; ART V01, V02A, V02B, V02C, V03, V04, V05, V06, V07, V08, V09, V11A, 
V12A, V13A, V19, V50A, V51A, V58A; DANC V01, V02; ENGL V29A, V29B; FILM V01; MUS V01, V03, V06, V07, V08, V09A, V09B; 
PHOT V01, V02, V07; THA V01, V02A, V05A, V05B, V06A, V06B, V20, V22A, V22B, V28, V29, V30A, V31A, V31B. 
2. HUMANITIES: AES V01, V02A, V02B, V12, V40A, V40B, V41, V42A, V42B, V61, V63; ANTH V04; COMM V05; ENGL V01B, V10, V11A, 
V15, V16, V18, V21A, V21B, V22A, V22B, V23, V26, V30, V31, V33, V34, V35, V36A, V36B, V133, V134, V135, V136A, V136B; FREN 
V01, V02; GERM V01, V02, V51A; HIST V01A, V01B, V03A, V03B, V05A, V05B, V13, V14A, V14B, V15, V17, V18A, V18B, V30; IDS 
V08; ITAL V01, V02; JAPN V01, V02; MUS V07; PHIL V01, V02, V03A, V03B, V04, V06A, V06B, V09, V10; SL V10A, V10B, V10C; 
SPAN V01, V02, V03, V03S, V04, V04S; THA V30A, V31A. 
D. LANGUAGE &amp; RATIONALITY (a minimum of 6 semester units with ONE course from area D1 English Composition 
and ONE course from area D2 Communication/Analytical Thinking) 
1. ENGLISH COMPOSITION: ENGL V01A (also meets English Competency) 
2. COMMUNICATION/ANALYTICAL THINKING: BUS V17; COMM V01, V03, V10, V15; CS V11, V13, V15, V17, V30, V40, V42; DRFT 
V03; ENGL V01B, V01C, V05, V06A; MATH V03, V04, V05, V12, V13B, V19, V20, V21A, V21B, V21C, V22, V23, V35, V38, V40, 
V44, V46, V52; PHIL V04, V05; PSY V04. 
E. HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION/KINESIOLOGY (a minimum of ONE course from area E1 Health Education and ONE course from 
area E2 Physical Education. There is no unit minimum) 
1. HEALTH EDUCATION: CD V24; COUN V01; EAC V01; EMT V01; HED V01, V20, V24, V70, V71, V73, V76, V87, V95, V97; HS V10; 
KIN V80. 
F. ETHNIC/GENDER STUDIES (A minimum of 3 semester units.) For General Studies Majors ONLY (Patterns I, II, and III); NOT required for 
other degrees. 
AES V01, V02A, V02B, V10, V11, V12, V20, V21A, V21B, V22, V23, V24, V40A, V40B, V41, V42A, V42B, V61, V63, V65, V66, V67; 
ANTH V02, V04, V06; ART V02C, V03, V07, V08, V09; CD V05; CHST V01, V02, V24; CJ V03; COMM V12; ENGL V33, V34, V35, 
V36A, V36B, V133, V134, V135, V136A, V136B; GEOG V02; HIST V02A, V02B, V03A, V03B, V04B, V05A, V05B, V10A, V10B, V12, 
V13, V14A, V14B, V15, V17, V21; MUS V03, V07; POLS V11, V14; PSY V30; SOC V03, V04, V24. 

Ventura College - Catalog Addendum 2017 - 2018 

California State University 
General Education-Breadth (CSU GE) Pattern 

Area A: English Language Communication and Critical Thinking: Complete one course from each group (A1, A2, A3). A total of 9 semester 

units (12 qtr. units) are required. All courses in Area A must be completed with a grade of “C” or better. 
A1: Oral Communication: COMM V01, V03, V10, V15. 
A2: Written Communication: ENGL V01A 
A3: Critical Thinking: COMM V10; ENGL V01B, V01C; PHIL V04, V05. 

Area B: Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning: Complete a minimum of 9 semester units (12 qtr. units) with at least one course from each 

group (B1, B2, B3, B4) to include one laboratory activity course corresponding to selected lecture course. Math requires a grade of “C” or better. 
B1: Physical Science: AST V01; CHEM V01A, V01B, V12A, V12B, V20, V21, V30; ESRM V02, V11; GEOG V01, V05; GEOL V02, V03, 
V07, V09, V11, V21; PHSC V01; PHYS V01, V02A, V02B, V03A, V03B, V04, V05, V06. 
B2: Life Science: ANAT V01; AHPH V01; ANTH V01; BIOL V01, V03, V04, V10, V12, V14, V18, V23, V29; BIOT V18; ESRM V01, V10, 
V14, V22, V23; MICR V01; PHSO V01; PSY V03. 
B3: Laboratory Activity: ANAT V01; ANPH V01; ANTH V01L; AST V01L; BIOL V01L, V03, V04, V14, V23, V29L; CHEM V01AL, V01BL, 
V12AL, V12BL, V20L, V21L, V30L; ERSM V11; GEOG V01L; GEOL V02L, V03L, V09; MICR V01; PHSC V01; PHSO V01; PHYS V01, 
V02AL, V02BL, V03AL, V03BL, V04L, V05L, V06L. 
B4: Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning: CS V17; MATH V04, V05, V19, V20, V21A, V21B, V21C, V22, V23, V38, V40, V44, V46, 
V52; PSY V04. 

Area C: Arts and Humanities: Choose 9 units (12 qtr. units) with at least one course from area C1, one course from area C2, and the third 

course from either area C1 or C2. 
C1: Arts (Art, Cinema, Dance, Music, Theater): AES V10, V12, V65, V66, V67; ART V01, V02A, V02B, V02C, V03, V04, V05, V06, 
V07, V08, V09, V13A, V19, V51A; DANC V01, V02; ENGL V29A, V29B; MUS V01, V03, V06, V07, V08, V09A, V09B; 
PHOT V01, V07; THA V01, V20, V28, V29, V30A. 
C2: Humanities (Literature, Philosophy, Languages other than English): AES V01, V02A, V02B, V40A, V40B, V41, V42A, V42B, 
V61, V63; ANTH V04; ENGL V01B, V10, V11A, V15, V16, V18, V21A, V21B, V22A, V22B, V23, V26, V30, V31, V33, V34, V35, 
V36A, V36B; FREN V01, V02; GERM V01, V02, V51A; HIST V01A, V01B, V03A, V03B, V05A, V05B, V13, V14A, V14B, V15, V17, 
V18A, V18B, V30; IDS V08; ITAL V01, V02; JAPN V01, V02; PHIL V01, V02, V03A, V03B, V06A, V06B, V09, V10; SL V10A, V10B, 
V10C; SPAN V01, V02, V03, V03S, V04, V04S. 

Area D: Social and Behavioral Sciences: Choose 9 semester units (12 qtr. units) courses in at least 2 disciplines. 
AG V12; AES V01, V02A, V02B, V11, V20, V21A, V21B, V22, V23, V24, V40A, V40B, V41, V42A, V42B, V61, V63; 
ANTH V02, V03, V04, V05, V06, V07; BIOL V18; BIOT V18; CD V02, V03, V05, V27, V61; CHST V01, V02, V24; CJ V01, V02, V03 
V28, V30, V49; COMM V12, V15, V16; ECON V01A, V01B; ESRM V03; GEOG V02, V06, V08; HED V20, V22; HIST V01A, V01B, 
V02A, V02B, V03A, V03B, V04A, V04B, V05A, V05B, V07A, V07B, V08, V10A, V10B, V12, V13, V14A, V14B, V15, V16, V17, 
V18A, V18B, V21, V30; PHIL V10; POLS V01, V02, V03, V04, V05, V09, V10, V11, V12, V14, V15, V16, V17, V18; PSY V01, V02, 
V05, V07, V15, V25, V29, V30, V31; SOC V01, V02, V03, V04, V05, V07, V13, V24, V31. 

Area E: Life-Long Learning &amp; Self-Development: choose 3 semester units (4 qtr. units) course with no more than 1 unit of physical activity. 
AES V11; ANTH V02; ART V01; BIOL V10, V12, V18; BIOT V18; CD V02, V03, V05; CJ V11A; COMM V03; COUN V01, V02; 
DANC V04, V10A, V10B, V10C, V10D, V13A, V13B, V13C, V13D, V14, V15A, V15B, V15C, V15D, V23, V27, V29A, V29B, V29C, 
V29D, V30A, V30B, V30C, V30D, V50A, V50B, V50C, V50D; EAC V01, V21, V26; ESRM V01; HED V01, V20, V24, V70, V73, V76, 
V82, V87, V95, V97; ICA V02, V03, V04, V05, V06, V07, V08, V13, V14, V15, V16, V17, V18, V19, V20, V22, V23, V24, V25, 
V30B, V31B, V36, V69; KIN V02, V03, V04, V06, V10, V12, V14, V16, V18, V19, V20, V22, V23, V24, V26, V28, V34, V40A, V40B, 
V42A, V42B, V44A, V44B, V46A, V46B, V48A, V48B, V50A, V50B, V52, V70A, V70B, V72, V73, V74A, V74B, V76A, V76B; PSY 
V01, V02, V05, V25; SOC V03, V05; THA V14. 

U.S. History, Constitution, and American Ideals: ONE course from Group A courses and ONE course from Group B courses 
* Courses may be double counted in Area D, Social and Behavioral Sciences. 
Group A: U.S. History: AES V02A, V02B, V22, V40A, V40B, V63; HIST V02A, V02B, V03A, V03B, V04B, V05A, V05B, V07A, V07B, 
V12, or V17. 
Group B: U.S. Government: POLS V01 or V03. 

NOTE: Certification is not automatic. Students must request certification after completion of the CSU GE-Breadth pattern. Students completing CSU GE-Breadth 
Certification may also apply for a Certificate of Achievement in CSU GE-Breadth. See your counselor. 

Courses on the CSU GE-Breadth are subject to change. Always check assist.org to verify the latest CSU GE approvals before taking a course to meet CSU GE-Breadth 

Ventura College - Catalog Addendum 2017 - 2018 

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